I will fill in the gap or pick up the slack so you can have a more productive day!

Once upon a time, we all worked for big companies — whatever help we needed was available in-house.

There was an IT Department, a Marketing Department, a Finance Department… all sorts of people whose job it was to support the work we did every day.

Today, that’s changed. When you work on your own — as a solo or owner of a small business — it’s up to you to keep the business running smoothly, in addition to doing the work itself.

It can be frustrating and time-consuming. Even when it does go well, it keeps you from the work you’d rather be doing.

That’s where I come in. I handle all the details and all the minutiae — the things you hate doing — so that you can get back to work.

Administrative Tasks

Whether it is a task you never get around to or something you just don’t like to do. Let me help check it off your list. You can read more on my Services page. Read more.

Email Newsletters

I can design and deliver your very own newsletter. Reach out and stay in touch. For more details please check out my Services page. Read more.


Bookkeeping can be time consuming and frustrating. Let me take this task off your list and give you peace of mind. For more details please check out my Services page. Read more.

Dawn is a visionary who can adjust and modify processes to improve the end-user. She has impeccable customer service skills, is timely, works well under pressure, and is willing to go above and beyond. Dawn’s dedication to any given project is over 100%.

Jeannette M.